Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kathryn Heigl

I have yet to see a Kathryn Heigl movie that I do not like.  The Cowboy and I went out for our weekly date night on Monday and saw her new movie "Life as We Know It".  It was great.  Even greater than I expected it to be.  I expected a cute romantic comedy... but to me it was significantly deeper than that.  It was like a Rom-Com-Dram... (Cromedy?)  Based on my description, dRM frowned and said "it seems to me like another movie with the message that 'a baby will fix everything'", but that's not really the message at all.  It was more like "take life as it comes, and do what makes you happiest... sometimes it's the thing you least expect."  It was fantastic.  I recommend it with two whole-hearted thumbs up!


  1. Cramady -- I just realized that Cromedy didn't include Drama... Duuurrr...

  2. Oh holy master of all thing HTML - how to I get your names to automatically link?

  3. I'll show you when I see you. :)
